What a difference new windows in your home can make. These photos show a recent brick home that we just replaced all of the windows in. These are white vinyl, block frame windows with STC (sound transmission coefficient) and low e glass. This customer lives on a busy street and opted to have their new windows ordered with the low sound transmission glass. This will greatly reduce the street noise. Technology has moved forward so far from when the original windows with single pane were installed that they will benefit greatly from the increased energy efficiency.
This project was completed in three days. All of the windows were removed and replaced one at a time limiting interior exposure. Completing a comprehensive site evaluation to discuss the product types, correct product application and the customers concerns are paramount to providing 100% customer satisfaction. Our product is our service. Windows, doors, showers, they are manufactured by someone else. When we look back at a completed project and the customer is thrilled with the journey as well as the destination than we have done our job!